Reference: Display Filters: UUDecode
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Contents: Filter Overview User Interface & Options
Example Variables
Filter Overview This display filter parses uuencoded data blocks in articles and replaces them with an inlined image (for image data) and an imbedded user interface that can be used to save the encoded data to a disk file or to perform defined multimedia actions on the data.

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User Interface The user interface for this filter looks like this:

The available configuration options are:

  • Save Directory - The default save directory for the data.

  • Display Inline - If the data is image data and there is an appropriate system datatype, the image will be displayed inline if this option is checked. Note that the datatype display may not happen properly or at all if there are an insufficient number of free pens. Generally it is best to use a truecolor (16 or 24 bit) display mode, but failing that, 256 colors is usually adequate as well.

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Example When uuencoded data is detected in an article body, an inline user interface is presented that looks like this:

The following controls are available:

  • Save... - Saves the encoded data to the default save directory using the filename defined in the uuencoded data block.

  • Save As... - Displays a file requestor and saves the encoded data to the chosen filename.

  • Action... - Displays a list of defined multimedia actions for this image type. Double clicking on one of the actions in the list will perform the indicated action. Actions might be defined to, for example, send the image to an image processing program, print it, or display it using an external viewer program.

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Variables The following variables, in addition to the standard group, article, and project variables, are available to multimedia actions using this filter:

Variable NameDescription
File When used in a multimedia action for a uuencoded data block, this variable will be set to a filename which contains the decoded data. It maybe used to send to external commands. The data file will be deleted when the article display goes away, either from another article being displayed or the group reader window being closed.